C-MAX™ - Cement Conditioner
C-MAX, a cutting-edge polymeric additive, adheres to the stringent standards set by IS:2645-2003 [BIS CM/L 5200127078]. This innovative solution comprises microfine mineral particles and nano ceramics suspended in Phenolic Latex Acrylates, providing enhanced strength to concrete blocks.
C-MAX is a solution of microfine mineral particles as well as some Nano ceramics in Phenolic Acrylates. This is a proprietary product of SRL, developed in cooperation with Dr. Volker In der Wiesche, Germany. These Nano ceramics and micro fine materials give additional strength to the concrete Block.
C-Max, a new polymeric additive for cement, maximizes cement surface area and uses every cement particle. Cement is a binder and an excellent waterproofed. After manufacturing and storage, the finer grains mix and give the cement a dense structure due to this binding ability. Once the polymer, C-Max, is added, each grain is loosened and the same cement occupies more area.
If you are a business/startup who wants to order this product Contact us on info@sreecheminnovations.com
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